Property:Has system unlock
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This is a record property that describes a system unlock. It contains the properties (Has unlock index, Has unlock type, Has unlock name).
1 (AetherCurrent, Aether Current) +
1 (AetherCurrent, Aether Compass) +
1 (Achievement, Go Go Posing Rangers) +
1 (Action, Manipulation) +
1 (Other, Parley) +
1 (Raid, Deltascape V2.0) +
1 (Achievement, Delightfully Frightful) +
1 (Achievement, Starlight de Chocobo) +
1 (Raid, The Royal City of Rabanastre) +
1 (Achievement, The Fan in Fanatic) +
1 (Achievement, End of Watch) +
1 (NewGamePlus, Armorer - Part 3) +
1 (AetherCurrent, Aether Current) +
1 (Reputation Trusted, Moogle) +
1 (Action, Piercing Talon) +